What is a SpeechPathology.com subscription?
A subscription to SpeechPathology.com allows you unlimited access to our course library for one year. The renewable subscription costs $129. The SpeechPathology.com library includes 500+ live, video, audio, and text-based courses covering a wide array of topics. The course library continues to grow, so check back often for new courses.
To ensure uninterrupted service and continued professional development, your subscription will automatically be renewed at the end of your subscription using the payment method you have on file. You can cancel anytime, effective the next billing cycle, online or by contacting our Customer Service Department via telephone at 800-242-5183.
Note: SpeechPathology.com subscriptions and subscribers were previously known as memberships and members, respectively.
How do I complete a course with SpeechPathology.com?
After participating in a live webinar, video, audio, or text-based course, you must achieve a passing score of 80% on a multiple-choice exam. You will be given immediate feedback regarding the results of your exam, and you’ll get a second opportunity to pass the exam if necessary. To earn credit for a live webinar, you must be logged in for the duration of the event and complete the exam within seven days. For a video, audio, or text-based course, you must complete the exam within 30 days of the date you registered for the course. If you do not complete the exam within those time parameters, you must re-register for the course.
You can access your CE exams by clicking on Dashboard or Pending Courses on the navigation sidebar. After passing the exam, you will be required to complete a course evaluation in order to receive a certificate of completion for the course. Please note that you will not be allowed to complete more than 24 hours of coursework on any calendar day
What is the difference between CEUs and the length of a course (course hours)? How does this relate to CEEs?
Course credits are calculated differently by ASHA and SAC. ASHA uses the internationally recognized Continuing Education Unit (CEU) as the standard unit of measuring participation in a continuing education course. One (1.0) CEU is defined as 10 hours of participation in coursework, so a one-hour course is equal to 0.1 CEUs. SAC's Continuing Education Equivalent (CEE) is based on clock hours, so a one-hour course is equal to 1 CEE. A course that is two hours in length on SpeechPathology.com would be listed for 0.2 ASHA CEUs and 2 hours (CEEs) for SAC.
What does the message next to my ASHA ID number field mean?
When you enter an ASHA account number in your SpeechPathology.com profile, our system automatically attempts to verify your first name, last name, email address, and ASHA account number in ASHA’s database. If your data matches what is in ASHA’s system, you will see a “?” tooltip next to your ASHA number; when clicked, you will see the message “Verified with ASHA; no longer editable. Contact us if you believe this number is incorrect.” If you agree that the number is correct, there is no need for further action on your part.
If ASHA’s system indicates there is a mismatch between their system and ours in some portion of this data, you will see the message “Not verified with ASHA,” and you will receive an automated email from SpeechPathology.com about resolving the discrepancy. If you do not want your courses reported to ASHA, you may ignore this notice; there is no need for further action. If you do want your courses reported, the discrepancy must be resolved in order to help ASHA process your coursework promptly and accurately.
- First, please double-check your ASHA account number to ensure it is entered correctly. If it is not, edit the number in your Account Settings. Save the changes and refresh the page. If it no longer says “Not verified,” you are set! If it still says “Not verified,” move on to Step 2.
- Before contacting us, please check your ASHA account to see how your name is listed with them. Your first OR last name, in addition to your ASHA ID number, must be listed in your SpeechPathology.com account exactly as it is in your ASHA account in order for verification to occur. Then Contact ASHA Continuing Education via phone or email, and we can assist you with making edits to your name and getting your info verified.
Who keeps track of how many CEUs have been earned?
SpeechPathology.com maintains a transcript of your CE activities completed on SpeechPathology.com. Please note that this is different from the official ASHA Registry transcript.
You may access your Transcripts page at any time to view courses that you have completed. After you log in, navigate to your Dashboard and select Transcripts. To view courses completed prior to the current year, you will need to edit the Start Date field in the top left corner of the Transcript page and click Search.
The View Certificate button next to each course listing enables you to print or save a certificate of completion for that individual course. In the upper right corner of the page, the Export to PDF link allows you to print or save a SpeechPathology.com transcript that shows all courses completed during the selected timeframe that meet any selected filters.
The ASHA CE Registry keeps track of CEUs for eligible participants who have paid their annual ASHA CE Registry fee, completed a course offered for ASHA CEUs, requested CE reporting, and provided their ASHA number. Contact ASHA Continuing Education directly with any questions regarding your ASHA CE Registry.
Once I earn my CEUs at SpeechPathology.com, how do I get my courses listed in the ASHA Registry?
If you are a member of the ASHA Registry and would like SpeechPathology.com to report your coursework to the Registry, you must check Yes for ASHA reporting on the pre-exam page during the CE exam process for each course. By doing so, you consent to having your information sent to ASHA CE. You may also opt in for ASHA reporting on your SpeechPathology.com transcript page, for up to 10 days after the event date for live webinars, or 10 days after the course completion date for on-demand courses.
You will also need to have your ASHA account number in your profile on our site. If you have not already entered this number, you can do so in multiple ways:
- You can enter it on the pre-exam page when you take a CE test.
- You can click on Account Settings on the left navigation sidebar to add the number to your Professional Info.
- You can call us toll-free at 800-242-5183 and provide this info over the phone.
If you have chosen “Yes” for ASHA reporting and provided your ASHA account number, SpeechPathology.com will transmit completion info for on-demand courses to ASHA immediately after you pass the exam and complete the course evaluation. Course completion info for live webinars will be sent to ASHA on the eleventh day after the webinar date. You can check the reporting status of your course on your SpeechPathology.com Transcripts page. See below for more details about these reporting status messages. Please note that ASHA may require up to two weeks to process SpeechPathology.com’s reports and enter courses onto your ASHA Registry transcript.
Do I have to be a member of ASHA to have CEUs listed in the ASHA Registry?
No. However, if you would like to be enrolled in the ASHA CE Registry Database, you must be eligible to earn ASHA CEUs and pay the required annual Registry fee directly to ASHA. SpeechPathology.com cannot verify whether you are currently enrolled in the ASHA CE Registry or the number of CEUs recorded on your ASHA transcript. Contact ASHA Continuing Education directly with any questions regarding your ASHA CE Registry.
SpeechPathology.com maintains a transcript of CE activities you have completed on our site. After you log in, select Transcripts on the left navigation sidebar. Please note that this is different from the official ASHA Registry transcript.
What do the ASHA reporting status messages on my SpeechPathology.com transcript mean?
If you have opted in for ASHA reporting and provided your ASHA account number, SpeechPathology.com will transmit completion info for on-demand courses to ASHA immediately after you pass the exam and complete the course evaluation. Course completion info for live webinars will be sent to ASHA on the eleventh day after the webinar date.
Your SpeechPathology.com transcript page will then display one of the following status messages:
- “Reported to ASHA on (date)” means that the course has been successfully transmitted by SpeechPathology.com and received by ASHA. Please allow ASHA up to two weeks to enter the course into your Registry transcript; if you still do not see it after that time, contact ASHA to inquire.
- “Pending Submission to ASHA” means that the course has not yet been transmitted by SpeechPathology.com and/or received by ASHA. Please check back for updates to this status. If you still see this status message 12 or more days after completing the course, contact us.
- “Submitted to ASHA on (date), Status: INCOMPLETE” means that your info or course info could not be transmitted successfully to ASHA. In this case, the SpeechPathology.com CE Administrator will work to resolve the issue and resubmit your course. Please check back for updates to this status. If you still see this status message 12 or more days after completing the course, contact us.
If you checked “No” for ASHA reporting on the pre-exam page, your SpeechPathology.com transcript will display the message “Will NOT submit CE Details to ASHA.” After 10 days, you will no longer be able to change your answer and opt in for ASHA reporting. See below for more info.
Can I change my ASHA reporting preference for a SpeechPathology.com course?
If you checked “No” for ASHA reporting on the pre-exam page, your SpeechPathology.com transcript will display the message “Will NOT submit CE Details to ASHA.” This reporting preference can be changed to “Yes” for up to 10 days after the event date for live webinars, or 10 days after the course completion date for on-demand courses. Click Change to change your answer to “Yes,” and provide your ASHA account number if it is not already in your SpeechPathology.com profile. Refer to the section above for more info about the reporting statuses that will subsequently be shown on your SpeechPathology.com transcript page.
After the 10-day period, the message on your SpeechPathology.com transcript will change to “You may no longer opt in for ASHA reporting for this activity.” The option to change your reporting preference will no longer be available, and SpeechPathology.com will no longer be able to report your coursework to the ASHA CE Registry. Contact ASHA about filing a participant appeal.
If you checked “Yes” for ASHA reporting on the pre-exam page for an on-demand course, SpeechPathology.com immediately transmits your course completion info to ASHA once you have passed the exam and completed the course evaluation. Therefore, it is not possible to change your answer to “No.” If you checked “Yes” for ASHA reporting on the pre-exam page for a live webinar that occurred <10 days prior, and wish to change your answer to “No,” please contact us for assistance. If 10 or more days have passed since the live event date, the course will be reported to ASHA and your response can no longer be changed.
Why is my course shown as reported on my SpeechPathology.com transcript, but it is not on my ASHA Registry transcript?
After a course is successfully transmitted by SpeechPathology.com to ASHA, it may take ASHA up to two weeks to enter the course on your ASHA Registry transcript. SpeechPathology.com cannot verify info posted on your ASHA Registry transcripts. If your SpeechPathology.com transcript indicates a course was “reported to ASHA on (date)”, continue to check your ASHA Registry transcript for updates. If two weeks have elapsed since the reporting date and you still do not see the course on your ASHA Registry transcript, contact ASHA Continuing Education.
Can SpeechPathology.com report my coursework to CE Broker?
SpeechPathology.com does not report directly to CE Broker for any state. However, if you request that SpeechPathology.com report your courses to ASHA, ASHA will then transmit that course data to CE Broker for the licensing boards of Florida, Ohio, Arkansas, Michigan, and South Carolina. You will need to be a paid member of the ASHA Registry, and you will need to provide your license number to ASHA. ASHA reporting to CE Broker occurs on a daily basis. For more info, see ASHA's CE Broker FAQ page.
If you do not use the ASHA Registry, you can self-report coursework to CE Broker. For more info about self-reporting, please visit CE Broker’s website. The SpeechPathology.com provider number for CE Broker is 50-10973. SpeechPathology.com certificates of completion may be uploaded as documentation if required.
How can I show proof of SAC CEEs?
SAC accepts the SpeechPathology.com Certificate of Completion as proof of completion of CEEs. Simply access your SpeechPathology.com Transcripts page, print the Certificate of Completion for the course you have completed or save it as a PDF, and retain it for your records.
Thank you for your interest in SpeechPathology.com! If you have remaining questions about our CE procedures or if we may be of further assistance, please contact our CE Administrator or call us toll-free at (800) 242-5183.
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